From the late 18th to the early 19th century, Romantic painting was born and many painters depicted the thoughts, desires and fantasies of individuals and the ever-evolving ‘now’ of that time. Now that the 21st century has come of age, it is important to seek the Romanticism of the new Romanticism in the perfect realistic expression, in other words, in the photographic expression, in order to create the emotional world, ideas, thoughts, desires, illusions and invisible world of individuals in the super-accelerated information society due to the innovation of science and digital technology, and to share the world view with people through artworks. Being able to share a view of the world with people through artworks should mean standing at the entrance to the metaverse.
In the darkness, in pursuit of brilliant light. But it may be an opportunity to discover the beauty of darkness. I am tired of darkness being represented as bad and light as good. Creators of all kinds have been telling us for thousands of years that everything is not one-sided, and yet we are still bombarded with such stories. The world is not full of light, but gradations of darkness and light. These gradations create an astonishing beauty in the world and take us to extraordinary places in our hearts. Instead of focusing only on the bright world, why not take a journey into the beauty of the dark world?
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Alone in the Sky-High
Foto im Schattenfugen-Rahmen
Motivmaße: 150 x 100 cm
Außenmaße: 154.4 x 104.4 cm
Acrylglas 2 mm, glänzend
Dibond 3 mm
Ilford S/W-Papier glänzend
Basel, Profil 15 mm (Nussbaum)
Creative Award 2021 Abstract-Professional Commended
A vast empty sky. The only thing that can be found in the vast sky is the clouds. But unlike the ground, although we can see them, we cannot stand on them. We cannot touch them. In a way, it is almost as if they do not exist. They change their form and shape as well as change the appearance of their surroundings. They can choose to hide the sun or choose to let it’s rays shine through. Certainly, there are no two clouds exactly alike.
A small traveller journeys alone in such a world. Yet hundreds of human beings ride them and cross the world. Once you realise how small it is, the way you see the world changes completely. How vast the earth is! How tiny we humans are.
Edition 2/5
Price 4,000EURO (ohne Steuer)
If you see a piece you want, ask a member of staff. Also inquire about different sizes. Kontakt

Osaka JAPAN 2015
Foto im Schattenfugen-Rahmen
Motivmaße: 120 x 80 cm
Außenmaße: 124.4 x 84.4 cm
Acrylglas 2 mm, glänzend
Dibond 3 mm
Ilford S/W-Papier glänzend
Basel, Profil 15 mm (Nussbaum)
Photography is an opportunity to confront and dialogue with the city. Many lives, infinite stories, crowded in a metropolis paved with concrete.
A Humanland. This is the city or region where we live. Originally, the Humanland must have been a place of security and safety, created by his own hands, in order to separate himself from the threats of nature and his enemies. It also alleviates the loneliness and isolation that the original human system (procreation) had to avoid by creating groups. This is probably why they were created.
It is an ideal paradise that man has already created with his own hands on earth. But for those who live there, why do they feel that it is not a paradise on earth? Is it because times have changed?
Nowadays, in developed countries and even in other countries, the Japanese word “ikigai” has become “ikigai” in English, and people are talking and thinking about the meaning of life, the purpose of life, the joy of life, and how to survive in this age.
This is because we live in a world that is supposed to be convenient, but is somehow lacking, with an emptiness that we have never felt before. In a world where everything is becoming more and more free, where we can avoid the threats of nature and the danger of our lives being threatened by our enemies, we need to think about how we should live in our own country.
Edition 2/5
Price 2,800EURO (ohne Steuer)
If you see a piece you want, ask a member of staff. Also inquire about different sizes. Kontakt

Dancing Nymph in Hades
Seven Sisters UK 2019
Foto im Schattenfugen-Rahmen
Motivmaße: 120 x 80 cm
Außenmaße: 124.4 x 84.4 cm
Fuji Crystal Archive glänzend
Acrylglas 2 mm, glänzend
Dibond 3 mm
Basel, Profil 15 mm (Nussbaum)
BIFA2020 Fine Art Profesional Nominated
Eurydice, the most beloved of Orpheus, was bit by a snake and dies to Hades. The myth only tells about Orpheus. I wonder what this nymph was thinking? What did she look like as she breathed in the underworld? Was she in the depth of despair? Did she curse her own destiny?
Edition 2/5
Price 2,800EURO (ohne Steuer)
If you see a piece you want, ask a member of staff. Also inquire about different sizes. Kontakt

Soar like the Wind
Seven Sisters UK 2019
Foto im Schattenfugen-Rahmen
Acryl-Glas 60 x 90 cm
Außenmaß: 64,6 x 94,6 cm
Dibond 3 mm
Profil 15 mm (Black)
“Feeling the wind directly in front of you and the green-blue shimmering sea with all your body. Between my favourite sea and my favourite you, the best moment, but a moment that will never come again, and a little cry at the beauty of the world.“
I am completely taken by you, who will always be here, feeling the wind. I find myself really thinking as if my journey is always about finding you in the wind. I feel as if I have jumped over time and space and entered other worlds for that purpose. The green-blue shimmering sea that you must be looking at seems to have penetrated you and kept you glued to this place. I’m completely caught up in your presence. I didn’t feel the sea, even though the sea spread out below me. But the sea seemed to be blotting you out. The wind sang furiously, and the changing clouds seemed to dance with the wind. But it was a little scary. It seemed as if the wind was always trying to take you away.
„I believe that when I die, it will all be over and gone.“
„The wind was getting stronger, the sea was shimmering more and more, and I felt as if my body was flying away from my outstretched fingertips like more and more grains of mercury and disappearing. I dreamt of spreading my wings and running straight to the edge of the cliff and jumping off. I believed that I could soar on the emerald green wind.“
Edition 1/5
Price 1,500EURO (ohne Steuer)
If you see a piece you want, ask a member of staff. Also inquire about different sizes. Kontakt
J U M P E I T A I N A K A (to Profile)
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Interview von deutscher Magazin JAPANDIGEST. Hier click!
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